Cosmopolitan Delight – Cocktail of the Week

cosmo delight cocktail recipeThis refreshing brandy based drink is a moderately easy drink to create.  Mixed with a unique blend of juice, berries and a splash of wine, it will have your guests raving.


6 parts Brandy
1 Splash Red Wine
3 Parts Lemon Juice
2 Parts Orange Caracao
2 Parts Simple Syrup (equal parts water & sugar)
1 Part Orgeat Almond Syrup
1 Whole Maraschino Berry
1 Slice Orange

Fill shaker with ice cubes.  Add all ingredients (except maraschino berry and slice orange).  Shake and strain into a chilled glass with ice cubes.  Garnish with maraschino berry and orange slice.

For more drink ideas, visit

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